home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- * Files Module Main.c
- *
- * This program source code and it's compiled version is
- * Copyright (c) 1991 N. Hawthorn.
- * This program source code and it's compiled version IS NOT IN THE
- * PUBLIC DOMAIN ! Please read the "COPYRIGHT NOTICE / NH" file for details
- * regarding use of this program source code and it's compiled version.
- *
- * This module's name is "files", it's type is "MOD1", use a resource mover
- * to assign a new number to it, that's why we name our modules !
- *
- * This is where it all starts...
- *
- */
- #define INMAIN
- #include <SetUpA4.h>
- #include "MUBBS Module.h"
- struct PPP {
- char filename[256]; /* the whole file and folder name */
- char justname[64]; /* just the file name (for the user to see) */
- long size; /* the size of a file either received or sent */
- int mode; /* the mode send, receive */
- int result; /* the result of the transfer */
- char reserved[32]; /* some extra bytes for future use */
- };
- #define RECEIVE 0 /* Receive a file */
- #define SEND 1 /* Send a file */
- #define ABORT 1 /* Return ERROR */
- #define NOTFOUND 2 /* Return ERROR */
- #define NOCREATE 3 /* Return ERROR */
- #define MAX_DESC_LINES 3
- #define MAX_DESC_CHAR 80
- #define CHARSPERFILE 308
- #define MAXFILETRIES 10
- /* my globals for this file */
- pascal void main (mode1,G1,P) /* called from the main routines, and what mode to be in */
- int mode1;
- struct GS *G1; /* we point to the "global" struct in the Main Module here */
- Ptr P; /* we ignore this pointer, we do not use it at all */
- {
- Handle temph;
- float version = 0.5; /* what version of MUBBS you are compatable with IE: .5 and above */
- RememberA0(); SetUpA4(); /* This sets up the A4 register to access our globals */
- asm { _RecoverHandle }; asm {move.l a0,temph}; HLock(temph); /* locks our module, do this ! */
- G=G1; /* This MUST be the first thing you do in main only, it sets up the struct globals */
- mode[u]=mode1; /* set up our mode so that you can read it anywhere */
- switch (mode[u]) { /* any un-handled modes return error from this module */
- case 2:
- doit();
- G->moduleresult=0;
- break;
- case 98:
- versionck(version); /* just return after this call, don't modify anything */
- break;
- case 0:
- strcpy (G->programmer,"N Hawthorn"); /* show the programmer's name up to 20 chars*/
- G->moduleresult=0; /* this was also a init call if we need close call put 99 here */
- break;
- default:
- G->moduleresult=1; /* return bad code */
- };
- HUnlock(temph); /* unlocks this module, do this ! */
- RestoreA4(); /* call this when you are all done */
- }
- doit(){
- char temp[31], folder[256], dirfile[256], blank[31], tempstring[256];
- int a,b,x,t,chars,type;
- FILE *stream;
- if (!G->online[u]) goto done; /* do this check so we can log out if hang up */
- loguser("In Files Module"); /* this tells where you are for remote sysop, or writes to log file */
- /* you print the following so that the sysop can monitor use on the mac screen */
- print("C> Line %d %s, at: Files\n",(u+1),G->username[u]);
- G->okcancel[u]=TRUE;
- G->nocheck[u]=FALSE; /* check for controls */
- G->cancel[u]=FALSE;
- sendtext(":files:fileintro.txt");
- strcpy(folder,":files"); /* start with the files folder */
- a=TRUE;
- while(a){
- strcpy(dirfile,folder);
- strcat(dirfile,":directory");
- if ((stream = fopen(dirfile, "r")) == NULL) {
- print("FILE ERROR - cannot open %s\n",dirfile);
- send("]FILE ERROR - Cannot open a directory file]");
- return FALSE;
- }
- else print("directory %s\n",dirfile);
- fscanf(stream,"%10[^\n]\n",temp); /* find out what type it is */
- type=strtoint(temp);
- if(type <=2) { /* it's a folder directory */
- b=TRUE;
- while (b){
- if (type ==2){ /* if it's type 2, generate your own menu */
- strcpy(tempstring,folder);
- strcat(tempstring,":filemenu");
- if (G->language[u] == 1)
- strcat(tempstring,".ansi");
- else
- strcat(tempstring,".txt");
- G->okcancel[u]=TRUE;
- G->nocheck[u]=FALSE; /* check for controls */
- G->cancel[u]=FALSE;
- sendtext(tempstring);
- }
- else {
- send("] *** File Menu ***]]>> ");
- x=FALSE; /* make a menu */
- chars=0;
- fseek(stream,0,0); /* start at the beginning of the file again */
- fscanf(stream,"%30[^\n]\n",blank); /* take out the directory type, if EOF it will get it later */
- while (fscanf(stream,"%30[^\n]\n",temp) != EOF){ /* get all chars */
- temp[16]= '\0'; /* limit the display to 15 chars */
- if (chars > 60) { /* if another name won't fit on screen */
- send("]>> "); /* send a CR */
- chars=0; /* show new line */
- x=FALSE; /* for new line */
- }
- if (x) {
- send (", ");
- chars++; /* account for the , */
- chars++;
- }
- for (t=0; temp[t] != 0; t++) { /* un scramble it */
- if (temp[t] != ':') G->out(temp[t]); /* don't print the ":" */
- chars++; /* count the characters outputed so far */
- }
- x=TRUE;
- }
- if (chars > 50) send("]>> "); /* send a CR */
- else send (", Help, Logoff, Quit ");
- }
- if (!(cmd1(":"))) {
- fclose(stream);
- goto done;
- }
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if(G->input[u] == 'Q') {
- if (!backup(folder)){ /* are we all the way back? */
- a=FALSE;
- b=FALSE; /* kill everything and quit out */
- break;
- }
- b=FALSE; /* try a new folder */
- break;
- }
- if(G->input[u] == 'L') {
- G->online[u]=FALSE;
- a=FALSE;
- b=FALSE; /* log off, kill everything */
- break;
- }
- if(G->input[u] == 'H') {
- G->okcancel[u]=TRUE;
- G->nocheck[u]=FALSE; /* check for controls */
- G->cancel[u]=FALSE;
- sendtext(":files:filehelp1.txt");
- continue;
- }
- fseek(stream,0,0); /* start at the beginning of the file again */
- fscanf(stream,"%30[^\n]\n",blank); /* take out the directory type, if EOF it will get it later */
- while (fscanf(stream,"%30[^\n]\n",temp) != EOF){ /* go through all the choices */
- if (toupper(temp[1]) == G->input[u]){ /* do we have a FIRST character match ? */
- strcat(folder,temp); /* make a new "folder" string */
- b=FALSE; /* don't do the menu again */
- break;
- }
- }
- } /* closes the while (b) */
- } /* closes the "if type=" */
- fclose(stream); /* close the file, it's not needed anymore */
- if(type ==3) { /* it's a folder directory */
- fileget(folder); /* show the file list, let them get a file */
- if (!backup(folder)){ /* are we all the way back? */
- a=FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- } /* closes the while (a) */
- done:
- return;
- }
- fileenter(folder)
- char *folder;
- {
- char fname[65], sizes[12], by[26], extra1[7], deslens[7], des[227],temp[65];
- char uploadfile[70], datetime[25];
- int bad, index, index2, err, tries;
- unsigned long deslen;
- FILE *stream, *stream2;
- int oldrefnum, newrefnum, i;
- struct PPP P;
- bad = FALSE;
- if (strcmp(G->userbaud[u],"300") == 0) {
- send("]Users logged in at 300 baud are not allowed to upload/download here.]");
- return;
- }
- send("]]Your uploads are greatly appreciated by all !]");
- poop:
- if (G->local[u]) {
- send ("]Can't UPLOAD on LOCAL !]");
- goto bb; /* cancel pressed */
- }
- send("]Input filename for upload (24 characters MAX) :");
- portsin(fname, 24);
- if (! G->online[u]) goto bb; /* portsin returns online for a time out */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (strlen(fname) < 1) { send ("]Upload canceled.]"); goto bb; }
- if (strlen(fname) < 4) {send ("]Please use a more descriptive filename.]"); goto poop;}
- if (strchr(fname, '*')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's "*" */
- if (strchr(fname, ':')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's ":" */
- if (strchr(fname, '\\')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's "\" */
- if (strchr(fname, '~')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's "~" */
- strcpy(temp,fname);
- strtoupper(temp);
- if(strcmp(temp,"SYSOP") == 0) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's a bad name */
- if(strcmp(temp,"SYSTEM") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FINDER") == 0) bad = TRUE; /* we DON'T want people to upload over this stuff !! */
- if(strcmp(temp,"DIRECTORY") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEINTRO.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEHELP1.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEHELP2.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEMENU.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEMENU.ANSI") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if (bad) {
- send("]Illegal character in filename or illegal filename!]");
- return;
- }
- strcpy(uploadfile, folder); /* folder can be up to 40 characters */
- strcat(uploadfile, ":");
- strcat(uploadfile, fname);
- print("C> checking for existing file to upload %s\n",uploadfile);
- if ((stream = fopen(uploadfile, "r")) != NULL) { /* see if we can read it */
- send("]That file name already exists !]Please check the list for this section !]");
- fclose(stream);
- goto bb;
- }
- print("C> NEW FILE! allowing upload of %s\n",uploadfile);
- if ( ! enterdesc(fname,des)) goto bb; /* get the description lines */
- choice:
- send("]Upload choices, please select one]");
- if (!(cmd1("]Xmodem, Quit :"))) goto bb; /* timeout */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- switch (G->input[u]) {
- case ('X'):
- send ("]Ready to upload file \"");
- send (fname);
- send ("\"]");
- print("\nUpload Whole filename =%s ",uploadfile);
- goto getit;
- break;
- case ('Q'):
- send ("]Upload canceled.]");
- goto bb;
- break;
- default:
- goto choice;
- }
- getit:
- if (!filereceive(uploadfile,fname,&P)) { /* get the file, delete it if transfer bad */
- remove(uploadfile);
- goto bb;
- }
- strcpy(uploadfile,folder); /* use "uploadfile"'s string space again */
- strcat(uploadfile,":directory");
- gettime("%m/%d/%y",datetime); /* gets the date in m/d/y */
- strcpy(by,G->username[u]);
- if ((P.size=P.size/1000)<1) P.size=1;
- longtostr(P.size,sizes); /* do a conversion first */
- strcpy(extra1,"");
- deslen = strlen(des);
- longtostr(deslen,deslens);
- tries = 0;
- bsylp:
- if ((stream = fopen(uploadfile, "a")) == NULL) { /* now write it to the directory */
- if (++tries < MAXFILETRIES) {
- wait(1); /* wait just a bit */
- goto bsylp;
- }
- print("FILE ERROR - cannot open %s\n",uploadfile);
- send("]FILE ERROR - Can't open the file list file !]");
- }
- else {
- print("update to directory %s\n",uploadfile); /* not really the upload file, the directory ! */
- if (fprintf(stream,"%-24s~%-10s~%-8s~%-24s~%-5s~%-5s~%-225s~",
- fname, /* the file name */
- sizes, /* size of the file */
- datetime, /* date uploaded */
- by, /* by who */
- extra1, /* extra data */
- deslens, /* length of the description in bytes, the description to 225 bytes */
- des ) == EOF) print("bad fprintf conversion\n");
- }
- fclose(stream);
- tries=0;
- bsylp1:
- if ((stream = fopen(":logs:uploadlog", "a")) == NULL) {
- if (++tries < MAXFILETRIES) {
- send("]PLEASE STANDBY...");
- wait(1); /* wait just a bit */
- goto bsylp1;
- }
- print("FILE ERROR - cannot open uploadlog\n");
- send("]FILE ERROR - Can't open/create upload log file!]");
- }
- else {
- if (fprintf(stream, "%s %s UPLOADED \"%s\" %s %sK\n", datetime, by, fname, folder, sizes) < 0) {
- send("]FILE ERROR - Upload log file file has problem writing]");
- }
- }
- fclose(stream);
- send("]File list has been updated]");
- bb:
- bad=0;
- }
- enterdesc(fname,des) /* enter the description */
- char *fname,*des;
- {
- char text[5][MAX_DESC_CHAR + 3],lineshow[90];
- int editmode;
- strcpy(lineshow," ---------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---------7---------8");
- strcpy(text[0],"\0");
- strcpy(text[1],"\0");
- strcpy(text[2],"\0"); /* clear these guys out */
- strcpy(text[3],"\0");
- editmode=FALSE;
- getline0:
- send("]Please describe the file \"%s\" so others can identify it.]]",fname);
- send("The first line is the \"short\" description that is seen most often.]");
- send("To cancel the upload, enter a carriage return on an empty line.]]");
- send("%.*s!]01:",(33),lineshow); /* show 30 chars max */
- portsin(text[0], 30);
- if (! G->online[u]) goto byebye; /* returns online for a time out */
- if (strlen(text[0]) == 0) goto cancel;
- if (strlen(text[0]) < 10) {
- send("]]You can describe it better than that, please try again...]");
- goto getline0;
- }
- strcat(text[0]," "); /* always add a space here */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (editmode) goto edit;
- getline1:
- send("]The second line is the REST of line 1's description seen on full length lists]");
- send("(space already added). To leave blank, enter a carriage return on an empty line.]]");
- send("%.*s!]02:",(47),lineshow); /* show 44 chars max */
- portsin(text[1], 44);
- if (! G->online[u]) goto byebye; /* returns online for a time out */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (editmode) goto edit;
- if (strlen(text[1]) == 0) goto getkeys;
- getline2:
- send("]The third line is the extended description seen on extended length lists.]");
- send("To leave blank, enter a carriage return on an empty line.]]");
- send("%.*s!]03:",(78),lineshow); /* show 75 chars max */
- portsin(text[2], 75);
- if (! G->online[u]) goto byebye; /* returns online for a time out */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (editmode) goto edit;
- getkeys:
- send("]Please enter some KEYWORDS that will help in finding this file during a search.]");
- send("Put a space between words. EXAMPLE: processing word graphics business]");
- send("To end or if you have none, enter a carriage return on an empty line.]]");
- send("%.*s!] K:",(68),lineshow); /* show 65 chars max */
- portsin(text[3], 65);
- if (! G->online[u]) goto byebye; /* returns online for a time out */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (editmode) goto edit;
- tryagain:
- if (!(cmd1("]Edit, List, Save, Quit :"))) goto byebye;
- send(G->CR[u]);
- switch (G->input[u]) { /* get 1 byte */
- case ('E'): /* edit message */
- goto edit;
- break;
- case ('L'): /* list message */
- send("]]01=%s]",text[0]);
- send("02=%s]",text[1]);
- send("03=%s]",text[2]);
- send("KEYWORDS=%s]]",text[3]);
- break;
- case ('S'): /* save description */
- strcpy(des,text[0]);
- if (strlen(text[1]) >0) strcat(des,text[1]);
- strcat(des,"\x0A"); /* add a end of line */
- if (strlen(text[2]) >0) strcat(des,text[2]);
- strcat(des,"\x0A"); /* add a end of line */
- if (strlen(text[3]) >0) strcat(des,text[3]);
- strcat(des,"\x0A"); /* add a end of line */
- return TRUE;
- break;
- case ('Q'): /* get out w/out saving */
- if (!(cmd1("]Are you sure you want to QUIT ? (Y/N) :"))) goto byebye;
- if (G->input[u] == 'Y') goto cancel;
- goto tryagain;
- break;
- }
- goto tryagain;
- edit:
- send("]Which line to edit (Quit goes back to the \"Edit\" menu) ?]");
- if (!(cmd1("1, 2, 3, K, List, Quit :"))) goto byebye;
- send(G->CR[u]);
- switch (G->input[u]) { /* get 1 byte */
- case ('1'): /* edit message */
- editmode = TRUE;
- goto getline0;
- break;
- case ('2'): /* edit message */
- editmode = TRUE;
- goto getline1;
- break;
- case ('3'): /* edit message */
- editmode = TRUE;
- goto getline2;
- break;
- case ('K'): /* edit message */
- editmode = TRUE;
- goto getkeys;
- break;
- case ('L'): /* list message */
- send("]]01=%s]",text[0]);
- send("02=%s]",text[1]);
- send("03=%s]",text[2]);
- send("KEYWORDS=%s]]",text[3]);
- break;
- case ('Q'): /* edit message */
- goto tryagain;
- break;
- }
- goto edit;
- cancel:
- send("]]Upload canceled]]");
- return FALSE;
- byebye:
- G->online[u]=FALSE; /* show we timed out */
- return FALSE;
- }
- backup(folder) /* backs up to the first found ":" */
- char *folder;
- {
- int len;
- len = strlen(folder) - 1;
- while ((folder[len] != ':') && (len > 0)){
- folder[len] = '\0';
- len--;
- }
- folder[len] = '\0'; /* take out the ":" */
- if (len==0) return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- fileget(folder)
- char *folder;
- {
- /* set this to the size of a whole entry in the dir plus the ~ characters*/
- char line1[227], dirfile[70];
- char fname[27], sizes[13], by[27], extra1[8], deslens[8], des[228], blank[31];
- char datetime[26], temp[65];
- int count, lines, marked, marked1, page, err, tries, got, empty;
- long int seek,startfile,endfile,wherewewere, size;
- unsigned long deslen;
- char filepick[11][28];
- char filemark[11][28];
- int downflag[11];
- FILE *stream;
- struct PPP P;
- strcpy(dirfile,folder);
- strcat(dirfile,":directory");
- print("directory %s\n",dirfile);
- if ((stream = fopen(dirfile, "r")) == NULL) {
- print("FILE ERROR - cannot open %s\n",dirfile);
- send("]FILE ERROR - Cannot open file list file]");
- return FALSE;
- }
- page=1;
- marked=0;
- empty=FALSE;
- fscanf(stream,"%30[^\n]\n",blank); /* take out the directory type, if EOF it will get it later */
- if(feof(stream)) {
- fclose(stream);
- send("]]This file section is empty. You can UPLOAD here by selecting \"U\".]");
- empty=TRUE;
- goto loop;
- }
- startfile=ftell(stream);
- if(err=fseek(stream,0,2) != 0) print("Fseek to end failed\n"); /* go to end of file */
- endfile=ftell(stream);
- seek=endfile-CHARSPERFILE; /* back up one record */
- fclose(stream);
- send("]New files are displayed first.");
- next:
- if ((stream = fopen(dirfile, "r")) == NULL) { /* only leave it open shortly */
- print("FILE ERROR - cannot open %s\n",dirfile);
- send("]FILE ERROR - Cannot open file list file]");
- return FALSE;
- }
- lines=0;
- if (!G->cancel[u] && !empty) send("]]Page %d FILENAME SIZE (K) DATE UPLOADED BY]",page);
- G->linecnt[u]=1; /* start as if it's a new page ! (with one line already here) */
- if(err=fseek(stream,seek,0) != 0) print("Fseek failed\n");
- while (got=fscanf(stream,"%26[^~]~%12[^~]~%25[^~]~%26[^~]~%7[^~]~%7[^~]~%227[^~]~",
- fname,
- sizes,
- datetime,
- by,
- extra1,
- deslens,
- des)) {
- if (got != 7) { /* 7 items should have been read here*/
- send("]]ERROR found in this file directory, TELL A SYSOP !!]");
- break;
- }
- seek=seek-CHARSPERFILE;
- P.size = strtolong(sizes); /* do a conversion */
- deslen = strtolong(deslens);
- strcpy(filepick[lines],fname); /* save the file name for picking it out */
- if (!G->cancel[u]) {
- send("%d> %s %s %s %s] ",lines,fname,sizes,datetime,by);
- if (G->cancel[u]) goto canceled;
- count=0;
- strncpy(line1,des,(deslen+1)); /* move the whole description over */
- line1[deslen] = 0; /* make sure its terminated, the array starts at 0, remember that*/
- while ((line1[count] != '\n') && (line1[count] != '\0') && (count <76) && (!G->cancel[u])) {
- G->out(line1[count]); /* only print up to 75 of the characters */
- count++;
- }
- if (!G->cancel[u]) send(G->CR[u]);
- }
- canceled:
- lines++;
- if(lines >9) break;
- if(seek < startfile) break;
- if(err=fseek(stream,seek,0) != 0) print("Fseek failed\n");
- }
- fclose(stream);
- loop:
- if (!(cmd1("]>> # to mark, Marked, Next, Prev, Options, Upload, Help, Quit (CR = next) : "))) goto done;
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if(empty) {
- switch (G->input[u]) {
- case 'U':
- fileenter(folder); /* allow them to upload */
- goto alldone;
- break;
- case 'Q':
- goto done;
- break;
- }
- goto loop;
- }
- if (G->input[u] >= '0' && G->input[u] <= (lines+0x2F)) {
- if (marked>9) {
- send ("]You have 10 files already marked, please press \"Q\" to download them.]");
- goto loop;
- }
- G->input[u] = G->input[u]-0x30; /* make it a number */
- send ("]File added to your list (marked #%d) :",(marked+1));
- send (filepick[G->input[u]]);
- strcpy(filemark[marked],filepick[G->input[u]]);
- downflag[marked]=FALSE; /* show that it's not been downloaded yet */
- send (G->CR[u]);
- marked++;
- goto loop;
- }
- switch (G->input[u]) {
- case 'H':
- G->okcancel[u]=TRUE;
- G->nocheck[u]=FALSE; /* check for controls */
- G->cancel[u]=FALSE;
- sendtext (":files:filehelp1.txt");
- if (!G->online[u]) goto done;
- break;
- case 'N':
- case '\x0d':
- if (lines<10 || (seek <= startfile)){ send("]At last page.]"); goto loop; }
- page++;
- goto next;
- break;
- case 'P':
- wherewewere=seek;
- seek=seek+(CHARSPERFILE*lines);
- seek=seek+(CHARSPERFILE*10);
- if (seek > (endfile-CHARSPERFILE)){
- seek=wherewewere; /* keep it at start */
- send("]At First page.]"); goto loop;
- }
- if (--page < 1) page=1;
- goto next;
- break;
- case 'O':
- if (options(folder,line1)){ /* if we have a good name */
- removespaces(line1); /* takes out trailing spaces */
- strcpy(dirfile,folder);
- strcat(dirfile, ":");
- strcat(dirfile,line1);
- if (filesend(dirfile,line1,&P)) { /* send the file, if bad skip log file*/
- if ((P.size=P.size/1000)<1) P.size=1;
- size=P.size;
- logit(folder,line1,size);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'U':
- fileenter(folder); /* allow them to upload */
- goto alldone;
- break;
- case 'Q':
- goto done;
- break;
- case 'M':
- marked1=0;
- if (marked == 0) {
- send ("]You have no files marked]");
- break;
- }
- send ("]Files marked for download :]]");
- while (marked1 < marked) {
- strcpy(line1,filemark[marked1]);
- removespaces(line1); /* takes out trailing spaces */
- send ("#%d \"%s\"]",(marked1+1),line1);
- marked1++;
- }
- send (G->CR[u]);
- break;
- }
- goto loop;
- done:
- marked1=0;
- if (marked == 0) {
- send ("]You have no files marked, returning to menu..]");
- goto alldone;
- }
- marked--;
- next1:
- strcpy(line1,filemark[marked1]);
- removespaces(line1); /* takes out trailing spaces */
- send ("]File ready for download is #%d \"%s\"",(marked1+1),line1);
- if (downflag[marked1]) send (" << Successfully downloaded, select next.");
- if (!(cmd1("]] Download, Next, Prev, Help, Quit (return = next) :"))) goto byebye;
- send(G->CR[u]);
- switch (G->input[u]) {
- case 'H':
- G->okcancel[u]=TRUE;
- G->nocheck[u]=FALSE; /* check for controls */
- G->cancel[u]=FALSE;
- sendtext (":files:filehelp2.txt");
- if (!G->online[u]) goto byebye;
- break;
- case 'N':
- case '\x0d':
- if (marked1 < marked) marked1++;
- else send("]You are at the last file in the list. Use Quit to end.]");
- goto next1;
- break;
- case 'P':
- if (marked1 > 0) marked1--;
- else send("]You are at the FIRST file in the list.]");
- goto next1;
- break;
- case 'D':
- if (downflag[marked1]) {
- send ("]]>> You already downloaded this file, are you sure you]");
- if (!(cmd1(" want to try again (Y/N) ? "))) goto byebye;
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (G->input[u] == 'Y') goto down;
- }
- else goto down;
- break;
- case 'Q':
- goto alldone;
- break;
- }
- goto next1;
- down:
- strcpy(dirfile,folder);
- strcat(dirfile, ":");
- strcat(dirfile,line1);
- if (!filesend(dirfile,line1,&P)) { /* send the file, if bad skip log file*/
- goto next1;
- }
- downflag[marked1]=TRUE; /* mark the file as downloaded */
- if ((P.size=P.size/1000)<1) P.size=1;
- size=P.size;
- logit(folder,line1,size);
- goto next1;
- byebye:
- fclose(stream);
- G->online[u]=FALSE; /* show we timed out */
- return;
- alldone:
- return;
- }
- logit(folder,line1,size)
- char *folder, *line1;
- long size;
- {
- char datetime[26];
- int tries;
- FILE *stream;
- getdatetime(datetime); /* gets the date & time */
- tries = 0;
- bsylp:
- if ((stream = fopen(":logs:downloadlog", "a")) == NULL) {
- if (++tries < MAXFILETRIES) {
- send("]PLEASE STANDBY...");
- wait(1); /* wait just a bit */
- goto bsylp;
- }
- print("\nFILE ERROR - cannot open downloadlog ");
- send("]FILE ERROR - Can't open/create download log file!]");
- }
- else {
- if (fprintf(stream, "%s %s DOWNLOADED \"%s\" %s %ldK\n", datetime, G->username[u], line1, folder, size) < 0) {
- send("]FILE ERROR - Download log file file has problem writing]");
- }
- }
- fclose(stream);
- }
- options(folder,temp)
- char *folder;
- char *temp;
- {
- char fname[33];
- int bad;
- bad=FALSE;
- send("] *** Options Menu ***]");
- send("]Input the EXACT filename to download (32 characters MAX) :");
- portsin(fname, 32);
- if (! G->online[u]) return FALSE; /* portsin returns online for a time out */
- send(G->CR[u]);
- if (strlen(fname) < 1) { send ("]Download canceled.]"); return FALSE; }
- if (strchr(fname, '*')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's "*" */
- if (strchr(fname, ':')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's ":" */
- if (strchr(fname, '\\')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's "\" */
- if (strchr(fname, '~')) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's "~" */
- strcpy(temp,fname);
- strtoupper(temp);
- if(strcmp(temp,"SYSOP") == 0) bad = TRUE; /* returns TRUE if it's a bad name */
- if(strcmp(temp,"SYSTEM") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FINDER") == 0) bad = TRUE; /* we DON'T want people to download this stuff !! */
- if(strcmp(temp,"DIRECTORY") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEINTRO.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEHELP1.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEHELP2.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEMENU.TXT") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if(strcmp(temp,"FILEMENU.ANSI") == 0) bad = TRUE;
- if (bad) {
- send("]Illegal character in filename or illegal filename!]");
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- filesend(name,justname,P)
- char *name, *justname;
- struct PPP *P;
- {
- if (strcmp(G->userbaud[u],"300") == 0) {
- send("]Sorry, users logged in at 300 baud are not allowed to upload/download here.]");
- return FALSE;
- }
- strcpy(P->filename,name);
- strcpy(P->justname,justname);
- P->mode= SEND;
- P->result= 9;
- module(3,"XFER_Xmodem",P);
- if (P->result ==0) {
- send("]File transfered OK]");
- return TRUE;
- }
- else {
- send("]Some type of error sending file %d]",P->result);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- filereceive(name,justname,P)
- char *name, *justname;
- struct PPP *P;
- {
- strcpy(P->filename,name);
- strcpy(P->justname,justname);
- P->mode= RECEIVE;
- P->result= 9;
- module(3,"XFER_Xmodem",P);
- if (P->result ==0) {
- send("]File transfered OK]");
- return TRUE;
- }
- else {
- send("]Some type of error receiving file %d]",P->result);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }